Albert Marquet: Peintre du Temps Suspendu

February 7, 2010 | By Heidi Ellison | Archive

If Poussin Painted Like a Child “La Varenne Saint-Hilaire, la Barque” (1913). © Richard Nathanson, London/ADAGP, Paris 2016 At first glance, many of the paintings of Albert Marquet (1875-1947) look simple, almost childlike. There is great power in that simplicity, … Read More

Louis Stettner: Here There

February 7, 2010 | By Michael Sommers | Archive

A Photographer’s Magical Humanism “Manhattan from the Brooklyn Promenade” (1954). © Centre Pompidou/Dist. RMN-GP. © Louis Stettner Over the years, I’ve ping-ponged between Paris and New York, taking advantage of these highly photogenic and oft-photographed cities’ remarkable museums and galleries. … Read More