
Take the B Train

February 23, 2022 | By Heidi Ellison | Film

Good intentions do not a good movie make, as demonstrated by French director Alice Diop’s latest film, the documentary Nous (We).  Diop is strongly committed to showing onscreen the lives of the “little people,” perhaps better described as ordinary humans, … Read More


Where’s the Heat?

December 1, 2021 | By Heidi Ellison | Film

Act 1 of Nicole Garcia’s new film, Amants: It opens, fittingly for a movie called Lovers, with a couple in bed, her naked body pasted on top of his. She is Lisa (Stacy Martin), he is Simon (Pierre Niney). A small-time … Read More

Les Olympiades

Another Side of Paris

November 24, 2021 | By Heidi Ellison | Film

Les Olympiades is a place few visitors to Paris have ever seen or would probably ever want to see. A “city within a city” in the 13th arrondissement, the 1970s development consists of bland highrise apartment buildings, shops and offices, … Read More

Lost Illusions

The Corruptions of Paris

November 3, 2021 | By Nick Hammond | Film

Adapting the sprawling novels of Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) for the screen is never a simple process, and from all accounts director Xavier Giannoli has been working on the screenplay for Illusions Perdues (Lost Illusions) for a number of years. … Read More

Le Daim

French Davy Crockett Goes Berserk

July 7, 2021 | By Nick Hammond | Film

When a French movie is described as a “comedy” and has a July release date in Paris, it almost invariably means that (1) it’s a generic film about a chaotic summer holiday with families/groups of mature male friends/bands of teens … Read More


Five Years of Teen Trauma

September 23, 2020 | By Heidi Ellison | Film

Director Sébastien Lifshitz is a brave man. For five years he embedded himself and his camera in the lives of two adolescent girls in the French provincial town of Brive, recording the traumas and joys of that fraught stage of … Read More

Les Misérables

Hugo in the Projects

March 4, 2020 | By Nick Hammond | Film

In the midst of the furor surrounding Roman Polanski’s award as best director for J’Accuse at last week’s Césars (the French Oscars), Les Misérables, the movie that won for best film, has undeservedly gone under the radar. Those hoping for another … Read More