What’s New 20.06.12

Links to events happening this week in Paris

Paris Update What’s New in Paris

Arc-en-Noir: Kosovo-Kosova: A walking play in the Parc de Belleville about a young woman in Kosovo. Written and directed by Kassia Aleksic. Meet at 45, rue des Couronnes, 75020 Paris. June 22, 4pm-6pm; June 23, 6pm-8pm; June 24, 4pm-6pm. Free admission. Res.: engag.art@gmail.com or 07 61 28 46 29.

Paris à la Nage: This swimming race in the Seine is being revived after over 60 years. Sign up now if you wish to risk it. Will Jacques Chirac, who promised to clean up the Seine and swim in it, but never did, participate? Sept. 2.

An experimental bus shelter where you can have a coffee, borrow a book and even… catch a bus. Through end Oct. 15-17, bd Diderot, 75012 Paris.

La Fondation Louis Vuitton pour la Création:
The construction of the Frank Gehry-designed Louis Vuitton Foundation for Creation in the Bois de Boulogne, which has been held up in the courts, has been given the go-ahead. The “cloud of glass” should be completed in Nov. 2013.


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