Sewing Cafe

April 13, 2010By Paris UpdateShopping

Diy Couture and Coffe

sweat shop, sewing cafe, paris
Sissi Holleis giving a sewing lesson in her “sewing café,” the Sweat Shop.

In Paris we’ve had our share of theme cafés – philosophy cafés, psychology cafés, singles cafés and so on – but this is a new one: a sewing café. After discovering that few Parisians owned a sewing machine, Swiss make-up artist Martena Duss and Austrian fashion designer Sissi Holleis opened a café, installed sewing machines (donated by Singer and rentable by the hour) and called it the Sweat Shop (13, rue Lucien Sampaix, 75010 Paris; tel.: 09 52 85 47 41). They then discovered that most Parisians didn’t know how to operate one either (no home-ec courses here), so they started offering sewing classes. This place will have you in stitches in no time.


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