
Au Naturel, but Fully Dressed

November 15, 2017 | By Heidi Ellison | Restaurants

Lately, everyone has been asking me when I will be reviewing Paris’s new nudist restaurant, O’Naturel. The answer is never. I prefer to remain dressed while eating (though I am tempted by nude bowling, which is also possible in Paris). … Read More


Nouvelle New Orleans 

November 1, 2017 | By Heidi Ellison | Restaurants

Since I am no expert on the cuisine of New Orleans, I went to Nola with three Texans who know their gumbo. We soon discovered, however, that there is much more to Nola than Louisiana’s famous state dish. Nola, owned by … Read More


Lightning Strikes a Second Time

June 29, 2016 | By Heidi Ellison | Archive, Restaurants

Three young food-loving entrepreneurs recently opened a new kind of restaurant in Paris as a springboard for talented new chefs. Its name, Fulgurances, is a reference to lightning: they hope to strike their customers with a lightning bolt of joy every time they encounter a new chef.

Grand Cœur

Paying Court in the Marais

July 1, 2015 | By Heidi Ellison | Restaurants

Paris is seriously lacking in restaurants with quiet terraces where one can have a meal in peace on a summer evening. And, when such a place does exist, the restaurant is often not up to par – it’s almost as if the owners figure they don’t have to make an effort because they know they will fill their tables anyway.